English Elementary (A1) - Англійська для початківців. Онлайн курс

Вивчення англійської мови рівня elementary полягає в освоєнні базової граматики та лексики, необхідних для повсякденного спілкування.
Цілі курсу
- Розуміти речення з часто вживаними виразами та спілкуватися з метою вирішення найпростіших побутових задач, які передбачають необхідність здійснення комунікації на добре знайомі та повсякденні теми: купівля, подорожі, робота, особиста інформація.
- Розуміти невеликі повідомлення у соцмережах, рекламу, заголовки, тексти. Вести діалог з персоналом у готелі, здійснювати купівлі в магазинах.
- Написати невеликий коментар чи зробити нотатки, а також представитися і розповісти про себе при знайомстві англійською мовою.
- У легкій формі описати моменти минулого, сьогодення та майбутнього.
- Сприймати просту інформацію на слух.
- Прочитати та зрозуміти зміст меню в ресторані, рекламну вивіску, оголошення та ідентифікувати важливу для себе інформацію. Прочитати особистий лист, нескладні історії.
Випускники отримують сертифікат про закінчення курсу.
Дни недели занятий | на выбор |
Время занятий | на выбор |
Занятий в неделю | 2 рази на тиждень |
Длительность занятия | |
Часы занятий | |
Группы | |
Возраст аудитории | Студенты, Взрослые |
Вид подготовки | Базовый курс |
Город | Онлайн |
Преподаватель | специалист-практик |
Учебные материалы | |
Пробное занятие | |
Документ об окончании | Сертифікат |
Опции | Групповые занятия, Индивидуальное обучение |
Трудоустройство | Нет |
Условия трудоустройства |
Запись на курс
Программа обучения
All about daily life
- Vocabulary to describe a typical weekend, free time and everyday activities
Present Simple
- How to talk about habits, facts and repeated actions in present
A night’s work
- Vocabulary to describe your daily routines on a typical working day
- Practice usage of Present Simple
- Have to / has to to describe necessary and unnecessary things to do
Tell the time
- To practice telling the time
- A range of phrases for asking and telling the time
A nice area
- Vocabulary to talk about your city, describe different types of houses and their interior
- There is / There are to talk about things or people in some place
How smart is your home?
- Vocabulary to describe different household appliances
- How to make a request
Degrees of comparison
- Compare places, people, transport and activities
Rent and relax
- Vocabulary to rent a flat or house explaining your needs
- Write an e-mail to ask about a flat or a house for rent
Getting around
- Vocabulary to talk about the location of city facilities: ask for and give directions
- Different places in a city
- Imperative structure to give direction and instructions
On the commute
- Vocabulary to talk about different types of transport and ways to commute
- Prepositions of place and movement
Revision 1
- Review of topics
Modal verbs: сan/should/have to
- Describe your skills
- Give advice
- Say about necessary and unnecessary things to do
What do we look like?
- Describe people's appearance
- Have got/ Has got
- Talk about similarities and differences
What are we like?
- Describe personalities
Past Events
- Describe past events
- Talk about different finished periods of time in the past
- Prepositions of time
Past Simple – to be
- Describe an experience
Celebrities in the childhood
- Talk about past events using Past Simple with action verbs
Past Simple – to be
- Practice using Past Simple to talk about past events
True Story
- Write a story about past events
- Phrases to organize a story
Cat people/ Dog people
- Talk about having pets
- Difference between Present Simple/ Present Continuous
Present Continuous
- Learn Present Continuous for talking about an action in progress at the moment of speaking and temporary situations around now
Revision 2
- Review of topics
How about we grab a bite?
- Food vocabulary
- Make refuse and agree to suggestions
- Some/Any
Order in a cafe
- To practice ordering in a cafe
Countable and uncountable Nouns, Quantifiers
- Some/ Any
- A/an
- A piece of…
- How many/How much
- There is/ There are
At the supermarket
- Talk about different food containers and measurements
- Buy food at the supermarket
- Customers’ and shop assistants’ phrases
All about holidays
- Make instant decisions (Future Simple)
- Organize a party
Future Simple vs Going to
- Learn ‘Future Simple’ and ‘Going to’ to talk about instant decisions and plans for future
Let’s celebrate
- Talk about different holidays and holiday traditions
Take a break!
- Talk about different types of holidays and make vacation plans
Revision 3
- Review of topics
Hit the road
- Ask and answer questions at the check-in, passport control, customs and other places at the airport
Present Perfect
- Learn Present Perfect to talk about results in present
On the phone
- Keep simple phone conversations, leave and take messages
World wide web
- Express opinions on Internet activities and social networks
- Functional language to agree or disagree with other people’s opinion and take part in discussions
All about leisure
- Talk about most and least favourite types of books
- Functional language to express likes and dislikes
Movie night
- Describe different types of movies
- Accept and refuse invitations
You’re not going to believe it!
- Discuss unusual experiences
- Express surprise and interest or lack of surprise or interest
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
- Learn the difference for expressing specified and not specified action in the past
All about life and dreams
- Talk about inspiring personalities
- Vocabulary for talking about dreams, goals and plans for the future
- Functional language to give and accept an apology
Types of questions
- Practice asking general and special questions
Revision 4
- Review of topics
Total grammar revision
Total communication revision
- Онлайн