English Upper-intermediate - Англійська рівень B2. Онлайн курс

Мета вивчення англійської мови на рівні upper intermediate – поглиблення граматичних та лексичних знань, розвиток навичок спілкування для ефективного ведення розмов на різноманітні теми та вміння висловлювати складні думки.
Цілі курсу
- Засвоєння більш складних граматичних конструкцій, а також використання часів з відтінками значення.
- Розширення словникового запасу, включаючи абстрактні теми, професійну лексику та ідіоми.
- Здатність вести розмови на різноманітні теми, висловлювати точні та складні думки, а також брати участь в обговореннях та дебатах.
- Розуміння складних аудіо матеріалів, таких як лекції, інтерв'ю.
- Читання різноманітних текстів, включаючи наукові статті, літературні твори та академічні тексти.
- Вміння ефективно спілкуватися у професійному середовищі, брати участь у ділових перемовинах, презентаціях та конференціях.
Всі студенти цього курсу можуть відвідувати Speaking Club.
Випускники отримують сертифікат про закінчення курсу.
Дни недели занятий | на выбор |
Время занятий | на выбор |
Занятий в неделю | 2 рази на тиждень |
Длительность занятия | |
Часы занятий | |
Группы | |
Возраст аудитории | Студенты, Взрослые |
Вид подготовки | Базовый курс |
Город | Онлайн |
Преподаватель | специалист-практик |
Учебные материалы | |
Пробное занятие | |
Документ об окончании | Сертифікат |
Опции | Групповые занятия, Индивидуальное обучение |
Трудоустройство | Нет |
Условия трудоустройства |
Запись на курс
Программа обучения
Talking to strangers (Start a conversation and keep it going)
- Engage in extended conversation on most general topics and keep it going using right question forms to be polite
Swamped with Work
- Talk about work schedules and what we do at work day-to-day
Meetings and discussions
- Lead a discussion and come to a decision
Growing with TikTok/ What’s the truth?
- Talk about using TikTok for growing your business
- Outline an issue or problem clearlY
I’d like to enquire
- Practice making polite enquiries on the phone
- Learn to recognize vocab commonly used in adverts
Best ways to invest your time / Will I be happy?
- Talk about future events in the context of personal fulfillment
- Speculate about a future event using a range of linguistic devices
- Use collocations with time and money
Budgeting for 2024
- Pick up phrases that will help to talk about budgeting
- Use of 1st Conditional
Great getaways/ Going planless
- Describe future plans, intentions, arrangements and prediction in the context of vacations
- Learn new phrases to talk about spontaneous get-togethers
Vision Board
- Discuss our dreams and goals
- Learn new vocabulary to talk about dreams and goals
Business Plans
- Describe future plans and intentions in detail, giving degrees of probability
- Collocations with certain common verbs
Revision 1
- Review of topics
Life lessons
- Bring relevant personal experiences into a conversation to illustrate a point
Life without smartphones
- Discuss behavior on social media
- Learn new vocabulary
- Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of giving up smartphones
I remember…
- Narrate a story in detail, giving relevant information about feelings and reactions
Is there someone there who could help me?
- Explain a problem and demand what action should be taken in an appropriate way
Job skills
- Talk about the requirements of a job, obligation and prohibition
Motivating remote team
- Talk about the pros and cons of working remotely
Could it be the case that this is true?
- To introduce, highlight and clarify the form, function and pronunciation of present modals for deduction / speculation
Rules at work
- Use verbs and prepositions
- Use past modals of deduction
Let’s try and find a solution, shall we?
- Deal with and resolve conflicts
- Learn some language used to apologize, accept responsibility and negotiate resolutions
Revision 2
- Review of topics
The Youngest CEO
- Discuss one of the youngest CEO in the world
- Learn to better use gerund and infinitive
Soft and Hard skills
- Talk about soft and hard skills
Leaders of tomorrow/ Possible futures
- Talk about management and management styles
- Learn new vocabulary to talk about management
- Use Real conditionals forms
Consumer crazy
- Learn new vocabulary to talk about advertising
- Discuss advertising tactics
- Use Conditional forms
On the run
- Talk about options and outcomes in the past
- Use conditionals in the past
Life’s biggest regrets
- Learn to better use I wish/If only and Third Conditional
Revision 3
- Review of topics
We can work it out/ White lies
- Summarize the position at the end of a negotiation in some detail
- Learn to better use Reported Speech
- Discuss artificial intelligence
- Learn vocabulary to talk about AI
Tricky conversations
- To paraphrase what someone has said
- Revise verb patterns after reporting verbs
Inventive ideas
- Use the Passive
- Talk about how things work
Guilty pleasures
- Discuss guilty pleasures
- Learn words and phrases to talk about pampering yourself
- Learn to better understand figurative language
Creative environment
- Learn how to describe your impressions of something
- Discuss how companies can make people more creative
- Practice using causative
Revision 4
- Review of topics
Handling a toxic boss
- Talk about dealing with a toxic boss
- Learn to set your boundaries and stand your ground
It’s so annoying
- Answer complaints from dissatisfied employees and customers politely
- Talk about negotiations and backlog planning
- Learn new vocabulary to lead effective meetings
Great rivals
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments
Senior influencers
- Discuss favorite blogs and bloggers
- Get acquainted with successful senior influencers
- Learn adjectives to describe personalities
Understand fluent speech
- Understand fluent speech
- Use high-frequency verb collocations
The Internet of things
- Talk about smart technology
- Use relative clause
Amazing Sprint Demos
- Talk about presentations and how to make them great
- Learn new vocabulary to make presentations and talk about results
Revision 5
- Review of topics
Final Test
- Онлайн