ACCA F7. Financial reporting

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ACCA F7. Financial reporting

The ACCA Financial Reporting (FR) Syllabus 2021 includes:

A) The conceptual and regulatory framework for financial reporting

  • The need for a conceptual framework and the characteristics of useful information
  • Recognition and measurement
  • Regulatory framework
  • The concepts and principles of groups and consolidated financial statements

B) Accounting for transactions in financial statements

  • Tangible non-current assets
  • Intangible assets
  • Impairment of assets
  • Inventory and biological assets
  • Financial instruments
  • Leasing
  • Provisions and events after the reporting period
  • Taxation
  • Reporting financial performance
  • Revenue
  • Government grants
  • Foreign currency transactions

C) Analysing and interpreting the financial statements of single entities and groups

  • Limitations of financial statements
  • Calculation and interpretation of accounting ratios and trends to address users’ and stakeholders’ needs
  • Limitations of interpretation techniques
  • Specialised, not-for-profit, and public sector entities

D) Preparation of financial statements

  • Preparation of single entity financial statements
  • Preparation of consolidatied financial statements including an associate
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Длительность занятия
Часы занятий
Группы до 30 чел.
Возраст аудитории Взрослые
Вид подготовки Базовый курс
Город Онлайн
Преподаватель фахівець-практик
Учебные материалы
Пробное занятие
Документ об окончании Сертификат
Опции Групповые занятия
Працевлаштування Ні
Условия трудоустройства

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Програма навчання

  1. The Conceptual and Regulatory Framework
  2. Tangible Assets
  3. Intangible Assets
  4. Financial Instruments
  5. Leases & Provisions
  6. Tax & Reporting
  7. Revenue
  8. Ratios
  9. Financial Statements
  10. Cash Flows
  11. Groups SFP
  12. Groups I/S
  13. Past Exams
  14. Past Exams
  15. Mock exam